big wooden cross on green grass field under the white clouds

Pastor Joel’s 2020 Blog

Seasons of Change September 3, 2020

Ecclesiastes 3

1For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:
2a time to be born, and a time to die;
 a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
3a time to kill, and a time to heal;
 a time to break down, and a time to build up;
4a time to weep, and a time to laugh;
 a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
5a time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
 a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
6a time to seek, and a time to lose;
 a time to keep, and a time to throw away;
7a time to tear, and a time to sew;
 a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
8a time to love, and a time to hate;
 a time for war, and a time for peace.

To be honest these verses have not really impressed me much throughout my life. Sometimes people have requested them to be shared at funerals and one time a couple chose them for their wedding. In some ways I just did not take the time to read them closely and see the beauty of their wisdom.

I grew up in Iowa and always loved the seasons. Spring meant we could plant our garden. Summer was a time to go fishing and meant school was done for a few months. Fall was a welcome relief from summer’s heat and humidity. And even Winter was a time to look forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas. One thing we could always count on though … each new season meant things changed.

I’m not sure what I would call this time we are experiencing right now. It certainly is a trying season of isolation and frustration. Somedays I find it terribly difficult to remain patient. But now I remember something that these words from Ecclesiastes teach me. It is a season, and it will change!

Folks we are going to make it. We are going to be alright! God continues to hold us safely in his hands and guide us. He promised, “I will be with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Pastor Joel


Donec et mi molestie, bibendum metus et, vulputate enim. Duis congue varius interdum. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque et faucibus enim. Quisque sagittis turpis neque. Quisque commodo quam sed arcu hendrerit, id varius mauris accumsan.

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