Wednesday Evening Services

We will have a short (30-40 minute), casual worship service

in the chapel each Wednesday Evening

beginning at 7:00 p.m.



AG1 (432x244)

Prepare the table of the Lord!  The Altar Guild team prepares all that is needed for the sacraments of Holy Communion at every worship service and for Baptism when they occur.   The Holy Communion bread from volunteer bakers is scheduled, chalices and individual cups of wine and grape juice are poured, and both are set out on the altar.  This team also orders the altar flowers for each Sunday and special flowers (Easter, Christmas, Palm Sunday, etc.).  Altar supplies (wine, candles, cards, etc.) are maintained and ordered when needed.  The Altar Guild team also does basic dusting and clean-up around the altar area and refills the prayer cards and communion/visitor cards in the pews.  Team members sign-up for when they will serve.   Ministry leaders are Kathy Secora and Paula Spengler.


Glorify God!  The Banners team places out the many colorful worship banners on the wall behind the altar for the different church seasons (Advent, Lent, after Pentecost, etc.) and church festival Sundays (Christmas, Easter, Reformation Sunday, All Saints, etc.).  They care for and store the banners when not in use and order new banners when they are needed.  This ministry leader is Paula Spengler.


Serve the bread and wine of the Last Supper!  The Communion Assistant Teams along with Pastor Joel distribute Holy Communion at every worship service.  Team members are scheduled for specific worship services by the ministry leaders and usually serve once every 4 to 8 weeks.  Ministry leaders are Jim Secora (8:30 services) and Barb Moller (10:30 services).


Worship the Lord!  At every service the ushers greet and pass out the bulletins/programs for the service, collect prayer cards and offerings, and guide people at Holy Communion time.   The ushers also make attendance counts and clear up the seating area after the service.  Ushers are scheduled for specific services and serve about once every 6 to 7 weeks.  Ministry leaders are Jim Secora (10:30 services) and the leader for the 8:30 service is currently open.


Welcome members and guests to worship!   At every worship service Greeters stand by the entrance and welcome all.  Team members are scheduled by service and typically greet one Sunday every 2 months.  Ministry leaders are Barbara Olson (8:30 services) and Susan Vevang (10:30 services).


Lead all in worship of the Lord!  The Assistant Ministers help Pastor Joel preside at the 8:30 Traditional services.  They lead selected prayers, help as a communion assistant, sing/cant the Kyrie, and light and extinguish the altar candles.  The ministry leader for the Assisting Ministers team is Jim Secora.


Speak the word of the Lord!  The Reader for each service reads the 1st and 2nd Lessons (Bible passages) for that Sunday to the congregation.   Members of this team are scheduled to read usually once every 8 to 10 weeks.   The Ministry leaders are Jim Secora (8:30 services) and Carolyn Mangold (10:30 services).