MISSION QUILTERS for Lutheran World Relief prepare
quilts throughout the year according to the specifications of
LWR. During the past 20 years, over 15 volunteers have worked
to assemble the quilts. Once a year, the quilts are blessed and
displayed on the pews. All are welcome as a variety of ability is
needed: cut or assemble 11” squares into a pattern, sewing at
home or in the Quilt Room, tying to secure each square and
preparing kits. See the marked basket in the narthex. Each kit
has cut squares and a pattern for sewing straight stitching.
We meet the second Friday of each month from 10:00-2:00p.m.
Bring a lunch as coffee and treats are offered.
As quilts are completed, and boxed with a shipping code the
are delivered to the Church of the Brethren, Elgin, and finally to
a warehouse near Baltimore, MD. Quilts are shipped to over 24
countries including the USA. We contribute to Lutheran World
Relief $3.00 for each quilt. Many thanks to our congregation for
encouragement and generous support. See lwr.org for more