Due to social distancing requirements, PADS (Public Action to Deliver Shelter) looks very different this year. We will not be able to host guests at CLC, but there will be other ways in which we can volunteer.

CLC AND PHP (People Helping People) partnered on Wednesday, September 22 to provide meals for 70 guests sheltered in hotels. The dinner included Little Cesars Pizza, side salad, applesauce, apple, yummy baked goods and a can of soda.

Thank you to everyone that helped to make this meal possible. Joy, Judy, Katy, Paula and Kathy provided the sweet treats! Diane, Bob, Debbie, Vicki, Donna and Julie helped with the food preparation. A special thank you to our donor for providing funds to purchase the food and drink for this meal. 

Working with PHP is a blessing! Thank you Cathie for all of your help and organization!Hopefully CLC and PHP can provide another meal for the needy in the future.


Doug & Arlene